Pork Chops + Gravy

My Dad didn't always eat Korean food and my Mom vice versa with American food so making two meals and giving us kids an option was their way of meeting in the middle. I know, looking back it's kind of crazy but really it's the breeding ground and foundation for my appreciation for cooking. My favorite memory about this dish is that it was on a weekly rotation. I knew that at some point during the weeknight, after I finished up practice and made my way home that I would be greeted with the comforting sizzling sound of pork chops on the stove.

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Oven Baked Kalbi (Korean Beef Short Ribs)

We all know how popular Korean BBQ is. It's probably one of the most social dining experiences you can ever experience. Think about it, you aren't going to a Korean BBQ spot and grubbing on your own, not normally but if you are i'm totally not judging! Korean BBQ for me has always been at the center of social occasions with friends and families. Whether it was at home in our backyard, or at a picnic or pot luck...it's a nostalgic dish for me. All my childhood memories come flooding back when I smell the smoke and char of the meat.

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Creamy Grits with Sauteed Kimchi and Spicy Pork Belly Bowl

My mother refused to let food go to waste but she always cooked more than what we could eat. That’s a simple equation for leftovers, right? I’m sure many of you can relate to that. On the weekends, my mom would always prepare a traditional, hearty southern style breakfast. I would wake up to the sound of bacon crackling, sausage crisping and  the smell of eggs. The star on the menu was always a silent but warm dish...grits.

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Maple Bourbon Mini Doughnut Cakes

es, another dessert recipe with alcohol infused into it...why not?! This idea came to me because I was gifted a bottle of bourbon infused maple syrup. However, when I received it, I was in the middle of detox/cleanse where I couldn't eat any sugars, breads or drink alcohol so I was kind of feeling tortured. I was just dreaming of the day I could finally crack open the bottle and pour the syrup over pancakes, waffles or ice cream and just go to town! I was drooling at the mouth for weeks.

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Korean Pepper + Buttermilk Soaked Fried Chicken aka Blasian Chicken

Blasian Chicken is a new recipe of mine. Fried chicken was one of the first meat dishes my mom taught me how to make but it's not something I frequently prepare...gotta check my waist line, you know? Fried chicken is such a savory treat for me and I hope you feel the same! For this recipe, I really wanted to fuse my Korean side with my Black side. This recipe is so crunchy and very flavorful and although I use spice, it is pretty mild. 

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